امروز Ion Hazzikostas اعلام کرد که راید های لیجن رو در پایان شدولند میتوانیم سولو(تک نفره) بزنیم 🙂
Ion HazzikostasQ: the route of certain old raids are very complicated, have you considered adding more teleports? Also people are having difficulty soloing old content, for example even if you have the best gear right now Eonar in Antorus is still very difficult, have you considered make them easier to farm?
A: generally in the end of the dungeon there will be npcs or other ways for you to teleport out of the instance, but if players still find it difficult we will consider adding more. In terms of the difficulty in farming, our principle is: at the end of an expansion, you will be able to solo the content two expansions ago fairly easily. So by the end of Shadowlands, you should be able to kill the legion raid bosses fairly easily– might not be able to one shot them, but you will be able to. When that time comes the majority of players will be able to go back farming legion content, and even BFA, perhaps with a small group of people.
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